The Shaman and Energy Healing Practitioner
Archangel Ariel and the Rose Quartz
On November 8, my 75th birthday, I awakened with a strong desire to do a shamanic journey to Lake Titicaca and the Earth’s second Chakra. I put on my journey music, engaged my travel companions, Quetzalcoatl and my black panther cat, and requested that we journey to the Lake. Soon I was at the shores
The Wisdom and Power of the Morning Glory
As I continue to be sensitive to the flowers that attract my attention on my morning walks, I notice the white and blue Morning Glories peeking out from among the dark and tangle vegetation along my path. They are like a breath of fresh air pulling me into their simple beauty.
Queen Anne's Sanctuary
“Everything in nature resonates with the force of the Divine spirit.” (Ted Andrews, Animal-Speak, 82) Each animal, plant, bird and stone has an energy blueprint that reflects this spirit in its own way. Thus, flowers have specific energy blueprints unique to that flower.
Shamanic Art: A Path to Healing
Humans have been creating art for over 30,000 years. Caves in Southern France have revealed art depicting a variety of animals and symbols. One shows a dancing shaman wearing a buffalo robe and headdress, another with a combination of buffalo and human features, and a third of a dancing shaman with a beard and human
Longing for Light
“Hidden Faces Longing for Light” Carl Jung said “one does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” (CW13. Par. 335) Recently a friend was telling me about dark lonely place in him, a place that makes him feel insecure, a place that limits closeness and holds him back
New Beginnings from an Ancient Past
“New Beginnings from an Ancient Past” This is my painting to honor the 10 chakra. I chose to use the color gold as the background for my painting honoring the 10th chakra. I then used the colors of the other upper chakras as the overlay background. I then journeyed to the 10th chakra.
Fear of Punishment: Tracking and Healing its Source
Shamanism holds the belief that our energy body contains an archive of all of our personal and ancestral memories, of all early-life trauma, and even experiences from former lifetimes. This information is stored as “imprints” that when activated can influence our thoughts and behaviors even pulling us into experiences that repeat their stories.
Angel of Healing
I finished the paintings to honor the seven chakras housed in the body. My mind turned to the chakras outside the body, especially the 8th and 9th chakras that reside above the head. The color most associated with the 8th chakra is “ultraviolet.” Ultraviolet means “beyond violet”, which is the color of the highest frequencies
The Return of the Jaguar
This is the 5th painting in a series of paintings that I’m calling the “Chakra Series.” I paint a canvas with the color of a one of the chakras, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet or, in this case blue, the color of the 5th chakra. I then use all those colors and paint an
The Hare and the Owl
My paintings are a projective experience much like clinical psychology’s Rorschach test. I paint a background of an undefined and ambiguous scene. I then paint the images that I see emerging from this undefined space. As I interact with the images, painting them, amplifying them, dialoging with them, listening to their personal and archetypal meanings,
A Fiery Crash, a Lost Soul and a Call for Help By Sheldon Shalley and Jennifer Foley
When a person dies the physical body is gone, usually cremated or buried. However, the energy body or soul may linger. Instead of moving on or “going into the light” some people become earthbound. There are reasons for this. Sometimes guilt, fear, unfinished business, confusion, or the grief or pull of family members left behind
Retrieving Split Off and Rejected Soul Parts
I awakened with an urge, a kind of longing to journey into the realm of what the shaman calls “non-ordinary reality” to seek connection to what felt like split off and rejected parts of my soul. Perhaps the feeling was the residual effects of some forgotten dream in which these split off parts had made
Meeting Bison and Medicine Man: The Power of Shamanic Journeying
This painting was inspired by two shamanic journeys. I journey to the place of the Hummingbirds. I sit in the grasses at the pond and drum, thanking the hummingbirds for their admonition to write, thanking them for their inspiration and their feeding me the sweet nectar of life.
The Call of the Mourning Dove
This morning as I sat on the ground looking at my sand painting and reflecting on our upcoming 50th wedding anniversary trip to Folly Beach, South Carolina, I hear a Mourning Dove singing her easily recognizable song. Immediately, I am carried back to Garrett, Indiana. I am 5 years old. It is early morning.
Welcoming and Growing the Munay-Ki
I experienced a wonderful weekend of healing and transformation as I welcomed for the third time into my Luminous Energy Field the Munay-Ki . I thank Brett and Lisa Daugherty for bringing shamanic healer and practitioner, Celia Blackwood, to our community for this powerful weekend. Celia was a clear vessel for the transmission of these
Humility and the Q'ero Concept of Ayni
In 2012 I traveled to Peru to sit and train with the shaman of the high Andes. The night before I left Cusco to travel into the Sacred Valley and ultimately to above 14,000 in the Andes, I dream that a colleague of mine is presenting a case at Integrative Psychotherapy at the Crossing.
Return to the Elephants
The shamanic journey is a practice common to all indigenous societies throughout history. By listening to a drumbeat or other rhythmic percussion, the shaman enters the invisible worlds of “non-ordinary” reality–an altered state of consciousness beyond time and space–to access spiritual guidance and healing, assist others and the planet, and to connect with the cycles and
The Eye of the Hummingbird
While meditating today, I journeyed to the Place of the Hummingbird—a place my guides took me to in non-ordinary reality a few years ago. As I sat in the grasses by the edge of the lake that is there, I felt myself zooming in or else something zooming toward me. In any case the distance between
My Journeys with the Elephants
Power animals are central to the practice of shamanism. They serve as guardians, guides and helping spirits. Each animal has its own wisdom and medicine. In shamanic practice, a person may have 2 or 3 primary power animals with whom he or she tends to work. However, other animals may show up to bring us their particular wisdom and medicine
The Caw of the Crow
Shamanism believes that everyone has power animals. Power animals are helping and ministering spirits that guide, help, and protect us on our life paths. In the shamanic world view, everything is alive, vibrating with information, power and wisdom for the good of individuals, families, communities and nations. Power animals have their own unique medicine that they