Sheldon Shalley

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The Masculine, Feminine, Androgyny and Sexual Attraction

The masculine and feminine energies are undergoing radical shifts in how they express themselves. Aspects of the masculine that have been repressed by the dominance of patriarchy are now emerging from the depths of the unconscious where they have slumbered entombed for the past several centuries. Likewise, aspects of the feminine that were repressed and not allowed to exist under patriarchy are also emerging from the depths of the unconscious. These masculine and feminine energies are shifting in both men and women as we become more aware of our androgynous natures.

I dream that my friend, Sam, is in the singing group with a group of kids. His friend is leading the group. They sing a song, “She’s a strong man-woman. He’s a strong woman-man.” I say, “Well, praise God! Androgyny has finally come to the church.” I say this so that the preacher’s wife sitting behind a partition can hear me. I know that by the time these kids are adults, the idea of androgyny will be common knowledge and accepted facts in their lives and that the whole of theological doctrine will have to change to incorporate the reality of androgyny. (Journal, 4-22-87)

These changes are causing an upheaval in life as we have known it in many ways. One of the ways is the increase in the fluidity of sexual expression and gender identity as well as changes in masculine and feminine roles.

I dream that my wife and I are reading a book. We each have our own copy. A man tells us that Jung himself was confused on whether to call homosexuals, homosexual, saying, “One time Jung would refer to them as homosexuals and then after the next session with them he would refer to them as heterosexuals. This man takes a pencil and draws a circle around the paragraphs in the books we are reading where it states that Jung says that in his own writings. (Journal,1-20-87)

From the point of view of the unconscious, there are two energy systems at work in me. The soul expresses itself in images of the masculine and the feminine. The interplay of these two archetypal energies became critical in understanding the energy that expressed itself in my same-sex attractions and in our sexual attractions in general. It was this inner relationship between the masculine and feminine energies that began to reveal to me the meaning and purpose of the longing behind this other man living in my soul.

From my book, The Other Man in Me, my journey of discovery of the archetype of the Green Man, the Earth Masculine as the sacred masculine in Nature, the companion and consort of the Mother Earth and the goddess.

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